Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Beach Boys Network

The Beach Boys Network

Re: The Definitive Vocal Credits Thread... [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 06:55 AM CDT

Should we do "Soul Searchin'" and "Still A Mystery"?

Easy enough:

Soul Searchin':   Carl on lead, Mike on bass, other bvs by Brian, Carl, Alan, Bruce, and Matt.  Falsettos sounds to me like Bruce & Matt together.

Still A Mystery:  Brian on lead, Al prominent in the choruses, Mike on the bass vocal, other bvs by Brian (falsetto), Carl, Alan, Bruce, and Matt.

Great job by all the Boys. 

Re: \ [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 06:43 AM CDT

Yea i have the Hartford show..1 disk.. Not complete show...Wish i had the whole thing..BTW..i didnt know jack  did the talking at the begining...Sounds like an excellent audience recording to me..
I suspect that the recording may actually be a "stage tape", or an audience tape placed near the P.A. system.

Yes, the tape of the Hartford show that circulates among collectors is an audience recording from close proximity to the P.A.   However, it WAS professionally recorded, as the group members mention several times throughout the show.  At one point they stop and wait for the reels to be changed.

Re: MP3: A Scientific Attempt To Create Most Annoying Song Ever [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 04:50 AM CDT

I think this piece of music IS Smile... the legendary uncompleted 1967 version.  Now we finally know what Brian intended the album to sound like...

 Grin  Grin  Grin

Beach Boys Rarities cassette OOP Brian Wilson ["brian wilson"]

Posted: 03 May 2008 04:43 AM CDT

US $1.75 (0 Bid)
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Re: Bob Dylan Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 04:21 AM CDT

"Sara" is one of my favorites of this period...

Question for Dylan fans....Was Blood On The Tracks about Bob & Sara's breakup? But the song "Sara", which is a love song, came right AFTER Blood On The Tracks. Anybody have any clarification?

Sheriff, this is what Wikipedia makes of it:

Sara Dylan has inspired several of Bob Dylan's songs, at least two directly. The first was "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands" (from "Blonde On Blonde"), and the second the eponymous "Sara" (from 1976's "Desire"). This song was an attempt to reconcile with Sara after their estrangement around 1975:

I can still hear the sound of the Methodist bells
I had taken the cure and had just gotten through
staying up for days in the Chelsea Hotel
writing "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands" for you

Bob Dylan's 1975 album "Blood On The Tracks" is widely viewed as the most potent of Sara's inspirations, as many fans assume the songs refer to her. The album was recorded soon after the couple's initial separation. Bob Dylan biographer Clinton Heylin has argued that Sara Dylan's influence on the lyrical content of the album is often exaggerated. Bob Dylan himself denied at the time of the album's release that "Blood On The Tracks" was autobiographical. However, the couple's son Jakob says: "The songs are my parents talking".

Other Bob Dylan songs believed to be inspired by Sara Dylan include "Abandoned Love," "Down Along The Cove", "Wedding Song", "On A Night Like This", "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight", "To Be Alone With You", "If Not For You", "Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)" and "Love Minus Zero/No Limit".

Hope this helps....

Re: POB: \ [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 03:39 AM CDT

Very nice ! I would've thought that "Mexico" might be a rocking tune, like "San Miguel", but it sound very beautiful in this slow way.
BTW I Can't get "Tug of love" out of my head. Very cool song. Maybe the Beach Boys should have released this as a single after Dennis didn't use it on his solo album.

Re: MP3: A Scientific Attempt To Create Most Annoying Song Ever [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 03:39 AM CDT

The most annoying song ever? Sounds like a rough edit of the greatest song ever! The bit when the bagpipes kick in after the opera section rocks.

It sounds like a cross between Smile and the movie The Fifth Element.

I thought the most annoying song ever was perfected in the British charts in the 70s. Either that, or by the genii behind "Doctor" Mariah Carey-Carey's new album.

Re: Alleged TLOS demos... [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 03:31 AM CDT

Wasn't Bri-Mel holding out for major label distribution, rather than the self-released option, which is why the long delay in finally getting around to a proper studio recording of TLOS?

If this is the case, then Bri-Mel  likely made high quality "home demos" that they then shopped around the (crumbling) major labels.

Any leak likely came from some guy at a label.

i haven't heard the demos, but i don't mind waiting for the real thing. As long as it comes eventually.

Any chances of a real piano being used this time around? That was the one thing that annoyed me (slightly) about Smile 2004, that the piano and harpsichord timbres i loved so much from the 60s were replaced by keyboards.

NEW Musicares-Tribute To Brian Wilson ["brian wilson"]

Posted: 03 May 2008 03:11 AM CDT

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Re: Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 02:24 AM CDT

I really hate Amusements Parks USA. I think its probably the worst Beach Boys song because its the only song in their catalog that gives me a headache and makes me feel dizzy and like I'm going to throw up when I listen. I'm not joking. It's not just a bad song, its an assault on your senses, a very unpleasant listening experience.

Re: Alleged TLOS demos... [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 01:21 AM CDT

Just listened thru again on my car stereo.  Great, great sound! (gotta love technology and 'FLAC', which beats MP3s by the way)   Could really hear a lot of nuances I didn't hear in the live versions  (and some variations from the live arrangements).  Brian, Scott, VDP, others really put considerable effort into this.  Going to be a VERY good album with the full band (though some members / Taylor on one?/ seem to be adding b/r vocals on a few tracks.)

Yes, I know these things get passed around but in the history of BB boots, I've never heard anything like this quality.  And all 'out there' freely available.

Re: \ [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 12:57 AM CDT

Yea i have the Hartford show..1 disk.. Not complete show...Wish i had the whole thing..BTW..i didnt know jack  did the talking at the begining...Sounds like an excellent audience recording to me..
I suspect that the recording may actually be a "stage tape", or an audience tape placed near the P.A. system.

Re: The Definitive Vocal Credits Thread... [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 12:50 AM CDT

Should we do "Soul Searchin'" and "Still A Mystery"?

Re: Favorite Christmas albums? [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 12:39 AM CDT

Kenny G's Christmas Feelings with special guests Celine Dion and Michael Bolton

Re: Please help me with \ [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 12:01 AM CDT

**(Nothing remotely like them on SMiLE, including "Fire").**

What is the suggestion here? The backing track on COS are amazing, but there isn't anything on there as reckless and creative as "Fire." Not by a long shot.

Brian Chidester . . . you contrarian, you. We've been through this before.

Folks, Brian and I argue . . . it's part of our thing.  Wink

The reality (not suggestion) is that the string arrangements for the two songs I mentioned are much more complex and melodic than "Fire." The orchestral evidence is preserved on paper. Saying things like "reckless" and "creative" doesn't help the "Fire" strings when compared symphonically.

Doesn't mean I don't dig the sh*t out of "Fire" . . . I do . . . as well as the rest of Smile.

Here's an excerpt:


Granted, these are samples . . . but they convey my point, and illustrate what was written and recorded for "Fan Tan" in 1967.

By the way . . . "Fan Tan" is the song that Don Grady (The Yellow Balloon) sang lead on for our forthcoming album.


Re: Alleged TLOS demos... [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 03 May 2008 12:00 AM CDT

Wow, how did this end up 'out there'?

Oh, it's the story of many an unreleased item. Person A gives something to Person B, Person B gives it to Person C, Person C makes it public knowledge.

Re: Bob Dylan Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:24 PM CDT

"Sara" is one of my favorites of this period...

Question for Dylan fans....Was Blood On The Tracks about Bob & Sara's breakup? But the song "Sara", which is a love song, came right AFTER Blood On The Tracks. Anybody have any clarification?

Re: Overrated artists/albums [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:20 PM CDT

I love The Beatles, all of their periods. But I have tried and tried and tried to appreciate Rubber Soul the way most fans, critics, and polls do, but its greatness escapes me.

Re: Favorite Christmas albums? [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:17 PM CDT

I put my Christmas music on the computer a couple of years ago, so now I listen to Christmas music pretty much throughout the entire year. I don't sit and listen to an entire album's worth, just a cut or two. Recently I pulled out some Perry Como, Nat "King" Cole, and Frank Sinatra. It was a cold and rainy night, so what the heck...

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose.... police

Re: Good Vibrations vocals? [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:09 PM CDT


I was shocked by the demo of this software.  It's pretty nuts.

Re: 1979 gigs [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:07 PM CDT

Does this now mean that Dennis played drums on "Oh Darlin'"?  This would be news if so.

Thanks for pointing out a possible confusion - no, only on "Johnny B. Goode".

Re: The 80 min. Compilation CD [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 11:04 PM CDT

Yes, I know the Live In Budokan album is not among Dylan's best,
I think it is one of his best live releases.  Great band, interesting arrangements, excellent sound, Steve Douglas wailing on sax, Bob in good form and voice. What's not to like? I might have preferred the release of a complete show  from that tour and that might still happen sometime in the not to distant future

Mikee, your post prompted me to give Live At Budokan another listen, having ignored it for awhile. And you're right, the band, the sound, and Dylan's voice are excellent. I still I have some problems with some of the arrangements, but I enjoyed the listen nevertheless. So thanks for the post and insights.

BTW, do you have a special Bob Dylan compilation that you'd like to share?

Re: Overrated artists/albums [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 10:51 PM CDT

It seems every "critic" loves them, but i'd say Arcade Fire is on the top of my overrated artists list.

Long Promised Road twofer (ends May 10) [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 10:45 PM CDT

Hey everyone, Adam Marsland here.

For the next week, we're selling LONG PROMISED ROAD: SONGS OF DENNIS AND CARL WILSON LIVE (featuring the unreleased DW gem "Wouldn't It Be Nice to Live Again") along with the recent Amazon Top 40 entry DAYLIGHT KISSING NIGHT: ADAM MARSLAND'S GREATEST HITS for $20 including shipping.  (For Canada, the price is $23...worldwide, $27)

This is less than the absolute lowest price you can find for these two CDs on amazon,, or anywhere else.  That's 2 CDs, 40 songs, $20, and the postage is on us.

Why are we doing this?
(1) We're excited about the upcoming PACIFIC OCEAN BLUE release.
(2) We're down to the last box of DAYLIGHT KISSING NIGHT CDs, and a new shipment arrives Monday.  We'd like to kill the last box.
(3) The garage where we store our CDs is undergoing remodeling, and we need to make room; and
(4) We want people to hear the music.

To get the twofer CD deal, look for the link in blue on the right side our myspace pages (where you can hear songs from the albums, plus video of the band performing Beach Boys rarities, including "California Saga" with Al Jardine), or on our homepage:

For those of you who already have the LONG PROMISED ROAD CD but haven't checked out the original music, currently has copies of DAYLIGHT KISSING NIGHT for less than $4.  Go get it here:

Oh, and my copy of the SPRING CD didn't sell.  If someone wants to make me an offer...


Re: first reaction when seeing this clip [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 09:49 PM CDT

At 1:45 of the video I crack up every time! As inaccurate as it is, the sight of a stoned retard bopping a (doll?) to the music while they give him a blank stare is hillarious!!

Re: Overrated artists/albums [Smiley Smile Message Board]

Posted: 02 May 2008 07:56 PM CDT

I'd wholeheartedly agree except that I don't know--does anyone actually rate them highly these days? I know they were popular with college kids a half-dozen years ago ... has it lived on?

A Wrecking Crew on DVD [Smiley Smile Dot Net]

Posted: 02 May 2008 07:27 PM CDT

A treasure trove of witness-at-creation anecdotes and enduringly potent '60s pop classics, "The Wrecking Crew" is a well-nigh irresistible treat for aficionados of music from the era when acts like the Beach Boys, the Association and the Monkees were topping the charts. Pic celebrates a loose-knit group of largely unknown (except by industry insiders) session musicians, many of whom supplied the defining licks and backbeats -- and in some cases, actually played instruments for band members -- on legendary recordings. Nostalgia-drenched rockumentary should score impressively as cable fare, homevid product and public television fund-raiser.

Image from Amazon
The Wrecking Crew

Mysterious Fan [Smiley Smile Dot Net]

Posted: 02 May 2008 07:23 PM CDT

An "anonymous donor" is paying to bring the Beach Boys to Wellesley.

The group that once played for nearly two million people on Independence Day 1985 will be playing for (presumably fewer) fans on the high school baseball field on the last day of Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend.

The cost of bringing the internationally known band here is being borne by an anonymous donor “who has a passion for the Beach Boys and wants to share her passion with the town,” said Roy Switzler, Celebrations Committee chairman. “It’s because of her that all this is happening.”

The committee has been working with the donor for months to ensure that all the details, such as adequate police protection and town permits, are in place. At this point, a few details are pending resolution, but the concert is a go.

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