Sunday, May 4, 2008

The DNA Network

The DNA Network

Just Downloaded a File Containing my Raw Genome Data. Now What? [BUZZYEAH » My Genome]

Posted: 04 May 2008 07:20 PM CDT

23andme download buttonI've downloaded plenty of mp3 files to my desktop over the years, but I've never downloaded a file containing my raw, uninterpreted genome data. Until today.

23andMe lets you download a zipped, text file containing 500,000+ lines of your genotype call data. It's all the raw, uninterpreted data they pull from your saliva.

All. on. one. 5mb. zipped. file. And, about 14.2mb unzipped.

23andme download files

Why did I download the raw data file instead of keeping it protected behind the layers of encryption over on the 23andMe servers?

No particular reason. Just curious to see what a file containing 500,000+ lines of my genotype call data looks like.

Here's what it looked like when I opened it in TextEdit (Note: This is just the first 7 of 500,000+ lines):

23andme raw genome data file

I'll probably use the Promethease tool the guys over at SNPedia built as soon as they create a Mac version.

Does anyone know anything else I can do with my downloaded text file containing 500,000+ lines of my genotype call data?

I'm up for interesting suggestions.


Andrew releases the final Golem beta and other cool stuff [business|bytes|genes|molecules]

Posted: 04 May 2008 07:12 PM CDT

The announcement

The protagonist. What is it?

Golem is a set of tools, and ontology language, for processing data written in the CML, the Chemical Markup Language. The Golem language is XML, and the tools and libraries are written in Python.

A shout out to the MaterialsGrid, which my former employer, Accelrys, is involved with. I’ve talked about some of the cool stuff he does before. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. He writes and records cool electronica and does creates mashups like the one below (using RDF)


Dichotomous Inverts [evolgen]

Posted: 04 May 2008 06:15 PM CDT

Kevin has posted the newest Circus of the Spineless at Deep See Nudes News. Go get your monthly fix of inverts.

Read the comments on this post...

Help save Davis' Schools ... [The Tree of Life]

Posted: 04 May 2008 05:29 PM CDT

Normally I do not put too many things about Davis here as I post them on my Davis Blog here. But I am cross posting today since I know many people from Davis read this blog.

There is a financial crisis of sorts going on in Davis. Please consider donating to the Davis Schools Foundation by May 15 in order to prevent cancellation of programs and/or termination of teachers.

See the video below which was made to showcase Davis' children and what we stand to lose if we don't all act fast!

See also Jamie Madison's blog.

SPARC and Science Commons release guide to creating institutional open acces policies [The Tree of Life]

Posted: 04 May 2008 07:56 AM CDT

A nice new release from SPARC and Science Commons is out. They put together a guide to creating institutional open access policies (see Press Release)

In the guide they have an overview of the new Harvard Open Access policy, suggestions for what one can do on one's own campus and a plan of action for bringing about policy change. I know I am going try some of their suggestions here at Davis as I am hoping Davis and the UC in general adopts a policy like Harvard's (they mention the UC consideration of such a policy in their site)

Svalbard Global Seed Vault: Way Better Than Superman’s Fortress Of Solitude. []

Posted: 04 May 2008 12:58 AM CDT


Okay, this is unspeakably cool. As a hedge against the loss of genetic diversity in the world’s agricultural crops, the Norwegian government, along with the Global Crop Diversity Trust and Bill&Melinda Gates, has established a super-stable, super-secure, super-remote storage facility for seed stocks


The first seeds arrived in January 2008. The variety and volume of seeds stored will depend on the number of countries participating, but the facility has a capacity to conserve 4.5 million samples.


Plus, doesn’t the entrance have the same sphinx-like quality as the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey

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