Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scholarship & Job Network

Scholarship & Job Network

Beasiswa S1 S2 S3 Mesir Timur Tengah (Timteng) [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 08 May 2008 06:57 AM CDT

Religion Study in Mesir, Maroko, Sudan and Aljazair for undergraduate and graduate study. CALON PENERIMA BEASISWA DAN NON BEASISWA S1, S2 & S3 KE MESIR, MAROKO, SUDAN DAN AlJAZAIR TAHUN 2007 A. Pendahuluan 1. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Departemen Agama, beberapa lembaga dan universitas di Mesir, Sudan, Maroko, dan Aljazair memberikan beasiswa...

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Beasiswa S2 Dalam Negeri [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 08 May 2008 06:51 AM CDT

Anda ingin memperoleh BEASISWA S2 ? Daftarkan diri Anda di acara The Scholar Indonesia 2008 Kerja sama MM-FEUI dan Metro TV (ditayangkan Februari 2008) The Scholar Indonesia adalah sebuah acara kompetisi edukatif yang bertujuan untuk menjaring lulusan S1 terbaik dari berbagai Universitas di Indonesia melalui serangkaian proses seleksi yang dikemas dalam bentuk reality show yang unik, menarik...

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Beasiswa S2 Arab Saudi Timteng [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 08 May 2008 06:50 AM CDT

King Saud University KESEMPATAN BEASISWA BAGI PARA MAHASISWA INDONESIA UNTUK KULIAH PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA S2 DAN S3 DI KING SAUD UNIVERSITY – RIYADH, ARAB SAUDI Duta Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Arab Saudi Dr. Salim Segaf Al-Jufrie, MA bersama Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Drs. Juhdi Syarif, M. Hum, pada hari Minggu, tanggal 29 April 2007 telah melakukan [...] Baca info beasiswa selengkapnya...

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Beasiswa S1 GE Foundation [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 08 May 2008 06:49 AM CDT

The Ge Foundation Scholar - Leaders Program Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program ditawarkan kepada para mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia, yang diberikan mulai semester tiga sampai dengan semester delapan. PERSYARATAN: - Mahasiswa S1 angkatan 2006/2007 dari ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW dan UNPAD; di salah satu jurusan berikut: Ekonomi (Akuntansi, Studi Pembangunan, Manajemen),...

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Beasiswa S1 Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 08 May 2008 06:45 AM CDT

Fakultas Teknik & Fakultas MIPA Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia memberikan beasiswa pada siswa-siswa SMA di seluruh Indonesia untuk menempuh jenjang pendidikan Sarjana (S1). Program Studi yang Mendapatkan Beasiswa Fakultas Teknik Teknik Elektro Optic & Wireless Communications Network & Control Systems Mechatronics Teknik Industri Industrial Management Enterprise &...

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Toyota Astra Lowongan Kerja Medan [Job Career Vacancy]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:36 PM CDT

PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (TA Finance), adalah perusahaan pembiayaan joint venture antara Toyota Financial Services Corp., Jepang dengan PT Astra International Tbk., yang mengembangkan bisnis di bidang pembiayaan mobil Toyota. Kami membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang menyukai tantangan, berorientasi pada pelanggan, mengutamakan profesionalisme dan mampu bekerja dalam team sebagai : SALES...

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Panin Life Lowongan Perusahaan Asuransi [Job Vacancy Indonesia Malaysia Singapore]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:29 PM CDT

PT Panin Life, Tbk., one of the best 200 company in Asia Pacific (Forbes Asia Magazine, 31 October 2005) with annual revenue around US $ 1 billion, invites you to apply as: IT System & Network Engineer Staff REQUIREMENT: 1. S1 De2. Hands-on experience in the implementation of Windows-based hardware solutions, including MS Clustering, MS Exchange, [...]

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GARUDA FOOD Lowongan S1 S2 [Informasi Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:13 PM CDT

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Requirements: * Bachelor & Master degree Any Discipline from reputable university * GPA minimum 3,00 * Age maximum 28 years old * Good command in English both oral and... Visit for details or click the title link above

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Panin Bank Lowongan Kerja Bank [Info Lowongan Kerja]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:11 PM CDT

Panin Bank, bank terkemuka di bidang Retail Banking sedang mencari Cash Management – Implementation & MIS Officer (CM-IMO) yang berkualitas, berpengalaman, memiliki motivasi tinggi dan energik untuk bergabung bersama tim kami. Cash Management ? Implementation & MIS Officer (CM-IMO) Kompensasi yang menarik dan kesempatan mengembangkan karir akan diberikan kepada kandidat terpilih...

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Beasiswa S2 Taiwan Luar Negeri [Info Lowongan Beasiswa]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:07 PM CDT

MBA Scholarship Southern Taiwan University 2 Years-Full Assistantships Regulations: 1. If paid off-campus internship is arranged, monthly stipend will be cancelled or deducted. 2. To keep your stipend (tuition and dormitory fees will not be cancelled) for second year, average of over (including) 75 on your transcripts/ marks sheet has to be maintained for first academic year. Your [...]

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Beasiswa S2 S3 Luar Negri [Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:02 PM CDT

The University of South Florida College of Education is one of the nation's top 50 graduate schools of education. College of Education University of South Florida (USF) offers some scholarships for master and doctor degree in educational leadership. Berbecker Scholarship Application The Lillie and Walter Berbecker Scholarship is designed to honor and reward advanced graduate students'...

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Beasiswa: ADB JSP Japan Scholarship [Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia]

Posted: 07 May 2008 10:01 PM CDT

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Programme (JSP) was established in April 1988 with funding from the Government of Japan. It is intended to provide an opportunity to fully qualified citizens of ADB developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related areas to attend academic [...] Baca...

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Telekomunikasi Lowongan Kerja Jakarta [Job Vacancy Indonesia Malaysia Singapore]

Posted: 07 May 2008 08:22 AM CDT

Hutchison CP Telecommunications, the leading international provider of telecommunication services now will change the face of mobile communication in Indonesia. We are a leading global telecommunications company with strong brands such as “3″, “Hutch”, and “Orange”. We were among the first to launch a 3G mobile network in the world. Today, we have one [...]

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