Thursday, June 12, 2008



Because you have to go through it to get past it [Personal Training NYC ClientI]

Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:49 AM CDT

So it’s amazing how quickly I can get in a bad place in my head with food and exercise.  And once that happens, fridge-grazing can never be far behind.  And so much of it comes from wanting everything to perfect, and not just perfect, but perfect right this second.  And the drive for perfection in everything has always been such a disaster for me — whether it was keeping me skinny on a diet of rice cakes and coffee, or keeping me fat on a diet of well, anything/everything.  I’ve definitely seen both sides of it, and neither one are any good.  Terri has a great way of reminding me that it took a long time to get from my old level of fitness to where I am now, and that I should be kinder to myself while I claw my way back.  The first day that I met Terri she told me that I had to be willing get get ugly with this whole process.  She was definitely right.  Everything about this journey is about so much more than shrinking my waist.  It’s not easy, and it’s definitely not pretty, but even on the worst day, it’s still good.

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