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Re: The Band [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 07:09 AM CDT Difficult. I was a huge fan in the '80s, and then my enthusiasm waned a bit, year by year. I still want to admire them as much as I did back then. But my problem is hard to pin down. Perhaps they were, after all, too self-conscious... in that they knew too well that they were creating history and thereby almost felt themselves to be more scientists than artists. Sounds silly, I know... Same with the Last Waltz. I adored the movie then. Don't so much anymore. That is all I can say on the matter. For now. | ||
Re: If you could bring a dead rock star back to life [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 07:04 AM CDT Johann Sebastian Bach (I'd want to hear him play 'The Goldberg Variations' and 'The Well-Tempered Clavier' on his harpsichord, see what he originally intended). PS: there are a few tiny BBs connections. 'Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring' is the template for 'Lady Lynda', and he's namechecked on 'Mt. Vernon And Fairway'. | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 06:18 AM CDT Just out of curiosity, who is credited with writing Southern California on the album? Presumably, as it seems to be common knowledge that it's a solo Scott Bennett composition, then it is he who is credited as the composer, or is it credited to both he and Brian Wilson? Also, which lead vocals does Scott bennett take on the album? I imagine it's just the beginning to California Role as with the live performance? Thanks The notion that SC is solely a Bennett composition has been going around mostly since the demos leaked out. In reality, SC originates from a BW composition that Scott reworked and reshaped, i.e, like he did for MAD. But still a BW composition. Thanks this is great news as I was disappointed that the last track on a Brian Wilson album was seemingly not written by the man himself. Out of curiosity how did you find this out, as many here seemed fairly convinced that SC was a solo Bennet composition? | ||
Remastered Smiley? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:53 AM CDT Just mooching around on iTunes (unlike me - I'm not a fan of DRM) and saw that the Smiley/Wild Honey 2fer has been remastered (again...) and the 2001 release now (according to iTunes) 'lifts many layers of hiss so that the singing and playing now seem several feet closer to the microphone... ' I have the Gastwirt/Linnett-remastered 2fer from 1990 (though I always listen to the stereo boot which is MUCH better to these ears...) Anyone have this re-issue, or have any knowledge/opinion about it? I'm tempted to buy it again if it sounds better. And are there any other 2001 re-releases I should know about? BJ | ||
Re: TLOS samples up [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:45 AM CDT Sounds good. While I don't hear a particular Friends vibe (I wish I did), most of these samples indicate we're in for one of the more tasteful BW solo productions. His voice reminds me a bit of BW88 from time to time. For whatever reason I was hoping for Van Dyke Parks to do some of the talking. It sure would've added a nice touch to the whole thing. | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:44 AM CDT Just out of curiosity, who is credited with writing Southern California on the album? Presumably, as it seems to be common knowledge that it's a solo Scott Bennett composition, then it is he who is credited as the composer, or is it credited to both he and Brian Wilson? Also, which lead vocals does Scott bennett take on the album? I imagine it's just the beginning to California Role as with the live performance? Thanks The notion that SC is solely a Bennett composition has been going around mostly since the demos leaked out. In reality, SC originates from a BW composition that Scott reworked and reshaped, i.e, like he did for MAD. But still a BW composition. | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:35 AM CDT | ||
Re: Horrible Songs By Great Artists [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:18 AM CDT Hey, thanks for writing in you all - great choices. 'My Ding-A-Ling' truly is dreck, as are many of the other choices. Plus: I always thought this one did harm to racial relations, because it suggests that black men are only out for one thing and that in a very limited vocabulary (just my two cents). That may ring true for mr. Berry (e.g. the infamous toilet VHS stories); but others may feel insulted by it. My choice for the day: Bruce Springsteen's 'Drive All Night', which has his cliché about cars and girls to the max; and since it pretends to be a 'grand statement', it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and in the end you still don't know if he bought her those shoes. | ||
Re: Uh... which \ [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:07 AM CDT I don't think it sounds that much like what Brian was doing at the time, but I guess if I had never heard it before and it was lumped in with a bunch of Smile tracks, it might make sense... it was written by Gershwin, after all. I respectfully disagree. I think it's 'up and down and up again' melodies even fit Brian's intentions even more than 'George Fell...'; but well, that latter one is not much more than a bunch of smell-less farts... ![]() | ||
Re: Am I really this stupid? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 05:04 AM CDT I have the Dutch double LP with WH and 'Friends'. The WH album is indeed in mono and the sleeve claims it is stereo. Since day one I found the sound horribly thin; it is incredible because at that time the state of the production art was really far enough for a decent true stereo producion, as any fool knows. It always puzzled me why the boys even thought of releasing it this way. Really, the vinyl album sounds like it was recorded on a C60 cassette that had priorily been used some 100 times for other purposes. The top and low ends are totally absent. Lovely songs like 'Let The Wind Blow' and 'I'd Love Just Once To See You' suffer from it; in the title track the volume settings of the electric organ seem to vary randomly; and the potentially energetic 'Darlin'' is almost unbearable in that form. 'Friends', on the other hand, sounds beautiful, in glorious stereo. Irony is: IMHO 'Wild Honey' has the most beautiful Beach Boys sleeve of them all. The later CD versions are a bit more dynamic, but you can't turn a production that was disastrous from the word 'go' into an audio miracle anymore. | ||
Re: Wild Honey [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 04:47 AM CDT I also think Denny on Good Vibrations live blows the drums off the record into deep space..... Though, in fairness to Hal, I'm sure Brian told him to play it the way he did. I remember reading/hearing somewhere that Brian dislikes cymbals/loud drums anyway. Watch Denny on Wouldn't It be Nice on that live TV thingy in England (youtube-it) Man! if he'd been on the record!!! I love the way Ricky Fattar played it too. | ||
Re: Wild Honey [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 04:13 AM CDT | ||
Re: Official Beach Boys 'Smile' - why no mention?! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:35 AM CDT | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:31 AM CDT Just out of curiosity, who is credited with writing Southern California on the album? Presumably, as it seems to be common knowledge that it's a solo Scott Bennett composition, then it is he who is credited as the composer, or is it credited to both he and Brian Wilson? Also, which lead vocals does Scott bennett take on the album? I imagine it's just the beginning to California Role as with the live performance? Thanks I'm at work, so I can't say for 100% certain. But I think the credits go to both BW and Bennett. And Scott's sole lead is on the gebinning of California Role (like you assumed). Will check when I'm home. Thanks! | ||
Re: Wild Honey [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:15 AM CDT | ||
Re: Wild Honey [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:00 AM CDT That's fine that they were on Spector's and J&D's records, but I don't see why Brian had to use them as much. How many session guys did the Beatles use, strings and horns excluded? I definitely agree on Blaine, considering Denny aced songs as complicated as When I Grow Up. I believe Carol was perfectly utilised however, as was the great Ray Pohlman. The Beatles used no session men, excluding strings, horns, Indian musicians and the odd guest spot (Eric on "Gently Weeps", Billy Preston on "Get Back"). With the ONE exception of drummer Alan White on the 2nd version of Love Me Do and P.S. I Love You. I for one FAR preffer Denny's live drumming on just about everything over the studio cuts whether it was Blain or Jim Gordon or whoever. He was able to nail anything those studio "aces" could. Plus he also made the stuff ROCK. Just listen to Sloop John B on Live In London, then listen to the Pet Sounds cut...... Snore!!!!! And the studio cuts he is on ROCK. He had a lovely technique. The way he played his hi-hat with his left hand led to things always being interesting when he'd land out of a fill. And watching him on the Kenbworth DVD, even wasted out of his mind and out of practice, he still tore it up, and to this day, I've never seen anyone make so many kick-ass saves when blowing a fill. He had his s*%t together as a drummer. And I give it to Denny and Ringo as the two guys who INVENTED rock drumming!!!!! Ask me and I'll elaborate on that opinion. Denny was THE perfect drummer for the band. But then again if his ego had been stroked as a drummer or if Brian had heavily leaned on him as a studio drummer he may have never learned piano or ever wrote any songs, and Dennis, for my money, is/was the only Beach Boy without the ability to write any utter crap. | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:00 AM CDT Just out of curiosity, who is credited with writing Southern California on the album? Presumably, as it seems to be common knowledge that it's a solo Scott Bennett composition, then it is he who is credited as the composer, or is it credited to both he and Brian Wilson? Also, which lead vocals does Scott bennett take on the album? I imagine it's just the beginning to California Role as with the live performance? Thanks I'm at work, so I can't say for 100% certain. But I think the credits go to both BW and Bennett. And Scott's sole lead is on the gebinning of California Role (like you assumed). Will check when I'm home. | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:37 AM CDT Just out of curiosity, who is credited with writing Southern California on the album? Presumably, as it seems to be common knowledge that it's a solo Scott Bennett composition, then it is he who is credited as the composer, or is it credited to both he and Brian Wilson? Also, which lead vocals does Scott bennett take on the album? I imagine it's just the beginning to California Role as with the live performance? Thanks | ||
Re: Mike's most productive years [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:30 AM CDT | ||
Re: Mike's most productive years [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:20 AM CDT | ||
Am I really this stupid? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:05 AM CDT I found a copy of Wild Honey on vinyl (been hard to locate all these years for some reason) and it says STEREO in big fat letters all over the place, but I swear to God the damm thing is in mono! I got on my hands and knees and crawled from speaker to speaker and it's the exact same audio image blaring from each speaker. No stereo seperation. WTF? It's certainly not Duophonic. I know a Duophonic nightmare when I hear one...... I should really know the answer to this. I am a musician after all.......... ...... well, I'm a drummer. ![]() | ||
Re: Mike's most productive years [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 01:59 AM CDT And yet something's missing. Where's the exegesis on "Student Demonstration Time"? Read my criminally ignored thread: "Surf's Up - A concept album?" | ||
Re: Mike's most productive years [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 01:56 AM CDT | ||
Re: TLOS samples up [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 01:31 AM CDT At its best, TLOS does seem to have that kind of listless vibe. But it seems more of a patchwork of Brian's styles, for some reason Adult/Child comes to mind a bit. Maybe not the time for criticism, but perhaps something like "Good Kind of Love" could have avoided the accusation of tweeness by stripping it down in more of a "friends" direction. When my copy arrives I can imagine foda through a couple of these. edit: Interesting, but I originally meant "skipping through" or foda It's kind of different for him! His voice sounds very intimate and bare, almost a little detached (not in a bad way) from the backing tracks and the songs don't sound overproduced like most of his do. (I mean, i'm sorry, but that's kind of what we love him for is his over doing everything). Even the backing vocals don't have the full lush thick crazy over the top sound everything's had since... oh.... Surfin' Safari. It KIND of gives me a "Friends" vibe. Anybody else hear that? | ||
Beach Boys' ~ Brian Wilson ~ Documentary ["brian wilson"] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 12:42 AM CDT | ||
Re: Mike's most productive years [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 18 Aug 2008 12:22 AM CDT I find this thread really amusing, especially the "analysis" of Mike's saxophone playing "innovation". But I must be serious for a moment. Mike Love's creativity leaves me scratching my head. About a year and a half ago, I had the opportunity to hear the unreleased 1970 version of "Big Sur". As much of a Brian fan as I am, and as much as it pains me to say it- I think that song easily ranks among my top three favorite Beach Boys songs. It is the only BB song that nearly brings me to tears every time I hear it. Maybe those who haven't been to a California beach might not understand the full meaning behind it. But that song is just absolutely sheer beauty, and wonderful poetry. It blows my mind that someone could create something like this, and then consistently spew forth nothing but musical B.S. for so many years thereafter. I have two theories that could attempt to explain this. Either Mike love was a genius for about 30 minutes back in 1970, or Brian was HEAVILY involved in the production and arrangement of this song. I personally tend to lean towards the latter, as Brian's voice is very prominent in the background vocals, so we know he was at least involved with the song. But that's just my opinion. | ||
Beach Boys 2 Tickets 8/21/08 Hampton Gold 1 Row K ["beach boys"] Posted: 17 Aug 2008 07:30 PM CDT
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The Beach Boys OPEN SKY 1999 Mag Issue Brian Wilson ["brian wilson"] Posted: 17 Aug 2008 11:53 AM CDT | ||
Brian Wilson Rarities, Beach Boys, Honeys Aussie LP ["brian wilson"] Posted: 17 Aug 2008 10:49 AM CDT |
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