The Beach Boys Network |
NEW BRIAN WILSON That Lucky Old Sun CD +3 BONUS TRACKS! ["brian wilson"] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:22 AM CDT
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Re: The Official BB You Tube Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:18 AM CDT | ||
Re: TLOS on vinyl [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 06:08 AM CDT btw, does anyone else expect to hear "yummy carrot cookies are an organic treat" in "Oxygen to the Brain"? It's "Yummy carob cookies" Carob is a nondairy, organic chocolate substitute. | ||
Re: 'A World Of Peace Must Come' - it does! In September [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 05:25 AM CDT Stephen J. Kalinich also did a track with ex-Smile Shopper Paul Steel (T.A. injasonbow) who's making his own records now and still pops by here from time to time I think. The track was called Ocean, and is great, SJK's narration being particularly effective. It was on Paul Steel's myspace page for a while, though I don't know if its still there. There are also some videos on PS's blog of the two of them recording it. | ||
Re: Brian's new official site has opened! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 04:53 AM CDT My impression was that the folks there just were not always the most informed. I'm a member, but I have posted there maybe a half-dozen times, at best. At one time, a few years ago, you had a lot of people who seemed to think the height of Brian's career was Imagination. Now, I like that album, but it's hardly the apex of Brian Wilson's music-making, past and future. It does, however, sound like other music on the radio. The level of discussion has gotten better, though, and I drop by now and then. I prefer this board (even though I'm active mainly in the times when Brian has something new coming out) simply because most people here have listened to a good chunk of the BB/BW output and can talk knowledgeably about it. | ||
Re: Van Dyke Parks [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 04:46 AM CDT | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 04:33 AM CDT | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 04:32 AM CDT There also won't be any more fresh interviews with Gary Usher, Roger Christian, Mae or Irving Rovell, Audree, any of Murry's siblings, Fred Vail (?), Nik Venet...Dave Marks' parents...Shawn Love, Karen Lamm, (are any on that list living?). Unless I have missed something I'm pretty sure Fred Vail is still alive. | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 04:15 AM CDT Well said. We could have done the same thing to Peter Carlin with errors and we didn't do it to him. Which was good because it was very interesting when he was here too. Again Ian wasn't trying to upset anyone, but it's just unfortunate. It was a rare and fascinating window of opportunity that we all had (and hopefully may have again someday) to hear unique anecdotes and insights, and clearly the requisite tactfulness was not shown. I was looking forward to hearing his response to having his work plagiarized, and his recollections (maybe even recordings) of irreplaceable interview subjects. I'm sure no harm was meant by Ian (his research is commendable and as he said, his date corrections were not meant as criticism), but the effect was predictable and understandable. Let's all learn from this and be more courteous and less obsessively detail-oriented and nitpicky if similar situations should arise again! Shane! Come back! | ||
Re: Brian's new official site has opened! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:46 AM CDT There's just a greater degree of sycophancy over there. Many Blueboarders would like to take Brian home, dress him every morning, push him round in a pram and put him to bed every night with a hot cocoa. If he burped after having his bottle it'd be a genius burp. That said, the upset over the botched on-line sales of TLOS, and the various bonus tracks available at different sources (which ensures completists have to buy the album/DVD several times to get everything), has caused much upset. It was also on the Blueboard that upset fans caused such a stink after one greatest hits gig that Brian offered to personally refund tickets. Debatable whether they were real Blueboarders or even real fans, but the Blueboard (as was) is rarely without some kind of controversy. Administration can also be dodgy. Some posts can be deleted for no apparent reason, with no explanation, while postrs' genuine concerns and comments go unheeded. Biased censorship can be rife. AGD might concur? All that said, the Blueboard is THE place to hang out if you want to be informed about any BW-related news or activity - especially if you want to be informed several days or weeks after the fact! | ||
Re: Brian's business card [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:38 AM CDT | ||
Re: Brian's new official site has opened! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:35 AM CDT I have never visited this "Blueboard" but I keep seeing references to the people there. Are they the world's biggest bastards or something? most people here ARE blueboarders! (despite their protestations ![]() | ||
Re: Rolling Stone TLOS review and new website [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:21 AM CDT I have to say the "At 25 I turned out the light" lyric is the one part on TLOS I'm least comfortable with. It just sounds so David Leaf-ish (sorry, couldn't find a better term) and we've heard that "healing of Brian" stuff a bit too often for my personal taste, it feels worn-out, however true it may be. That said, I like almost every other lyric on the album quite a bit, most of it is very lovable. | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:15 AM CDT Well said. It was a rare and fascinating window of opportunity that we all had (and hopefully may have again someday) to hear unique anecdotes and insights, and clearly the requisite tactfulness was not shown. I was looking forward to hearing his response to having his work plagiarized, and his recollections (maybe even recordings) of irreplaceable interview subjects. I'm sure no harm was meant by Ian (his research is commendable and as he said, his date corrections were not meant as criticism), but the effect was predictable and understandable. Let's all learn from this and be more courteous and less obsessively detail-oriented and nitpicky if similar situations should arise again! Shane! Come back! | ||
Re: Van Dyke Parks [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:33 AM CDT This is going to get me yelled at, but I'll say it anyway. ![]() ![]() | ||
Brian's business card [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:29 AM CDT Does anybody know if this is real? Is it worth bidding on? ![]() | ||
Re: The Official BB You Tube Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:26 AM CDT Sorry it's been awhile since the last one, but here's another "Behind The Sounds" video... | ||
Re: Brian's new official site has opened! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 01:58 AM CDT Oh, it's actually very nice. Wonder how the Blueboarders are gonna react!! ![]() I have never visited this "Blueboard" but I keep seeing references to the people there. Are they the world's biggest bastards or something? | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 01:45 AM CDT Mr. Gaines -- Your presence here is/has been greatly appreciated. Ian has been a serious biographer of the groups' history (since 1961) for the last three or so years. See AGD'S Bellagio site ( Not knowing him personally but...knowing him...I am POSITIVE he wasn't trying to 'correct you', per se. He was just doing what he's done for a long time now. Please don't think it was an attack on you or the book. Or the info in the book. Hope to see you back here in a couple days... I second that, and would add that I don't think anyone sees the book as having error-issues, unless maybe the author himself, to his credit. Andrew had even spoken to its basic accuracy recently, and it's withstood twenty-two years of additional research extremely well, especially for a book of that scope. This is especially frustrating for me, because this book is a GREAT topic for this place, and (surprisingly) one of the few things that hasn't (to my knowledge) already been beaten to death by four generations of posters. TO give you an idea of what was in play here, think of this: in the Fall of 1961 Murry and Audree went to Mexico for the weekend with an English business associate of A.B.L.E. Machinery, and returned to find that the Beach Boys had been born out of the meal money they left. The English guy apparently came into the house with them and witnessed that moment and heard them play "Surfin' ". Steven Gaines talked to the English guy. There also won't be any more fresh interviews with Gary Usher, Roger Christian, Mae or Irving Rovell, Audree, any of Murry's siblings, Fred Vail (?), Nik Venet...Dave Marks' parents...Shawn Love, Karen Lamm, (are any on that list living?). This guy talked to an absolutely stunning list of people and his research can never be duplicated. He had even expressed an openness to possibly posting selected audio excerpts for us. He was not here shilling a new edition. He was just fielding questions from us. I was working up to asking some slightly tougher or more subjective ones, but in light of recent developments I am considering changing that approach and openly kissing his ass. In all seriousness, and I hope you're reading this, I think we'd be willing to have the discussion of Heroes & Villains on whatever basis you're comfortable with- though now you know you're among obsessives. And if you don't feel inclined to leap back into the ring with us, I'd like to propose that you consider being available to Endless Summer Quarterly or some other publication like that, because there is extremely high interest in your work. | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:44 AM CDT Steven, since I've never read Heroes & Villains (it wasn't published in my country, I just gave it a quick look on a bookstore during a holiday overseas. I saw the movie, but I try to remember it just for laughs -that Planet of Apes facial hair!) but The love you make was, if not my first Beatle book, the first serious Beatle bio I read, I'd like to take this chance to make some comments/questions about it. 1. I think is a valuable book when it comes to the private lives and inside stuff of the business, especially the stories that Peter Brown brought to it, although it draws heavily from the Hunter Davies and Philip Norman books (you even repeated a mistake of Norman, writing that the original version of The Long and Winding Road, before Spector's involvement, was just Paul with an acoustic guitar) 2. As you wrote on this thread, your field of writing is not music, but I think you did a disservice to Ringo's reputation with the groundless claim that his drums were usually replaced by Paul's. I mean, even today some journalists repeat that non-fact. 3. As I said before, Brown's insight was one of the main assets of the book, though I think his attitude was basically unethical to a group of people who trusted him (not that such things as ethics matters when it comes to this kind of tell-all books). My question is, why -bordering on hypocrisy- Brown talked at lenght about Brian Epstein's sex life, but didn't say anything about his own. Other sources claim that not only Brown is gay, but he also had a relationship with Epstein. Can you confirm/deny this? Are you still in touch with Brown? 4. And the last. Why did you try to make the book look -on the introduction and Brown's publicity press- like it was officially sanctioned by The Beatles? George and Paul's disowned it and with reason: to name an example, I can't imagine Harrison endorsing a book which was going to include his affair with Maureen Starkey. Anyway, I reread several parts of it recently, and I still think it's an entertaining, interesting, if very flawed look at one side of the Beatles' lives Why in the hell would you bring that up here? This isn't a Beatles board, and serves no purpose other than to further tick the guy off. Nice. Quote I too feel bad he is gone, it was so unbelievable that he was even here if only because I never heard him discuss the book with fans. I must stress I don't think Ian meant to offend at all, I certainly think he found value in the book from what he posted. Perhaps it would have been better to post the info in the Heroes and Villians review thread, but Mr. Gaines wrote a controversial piece that some fans will take issue with. I myself worte a review of the book which was critical about the music info, but have writen a new one in leiu of his open frusteration with the errors. I understand and respect his decision to go, and I think he certainly made us all have a new respect for him and a work that has proven to have a lot of insight. I think we all welome him back if he chooses to post again. I would too. At the time he was the only one with the balls to actually paint a true picture of the band, and didn't shy away where others did.Actually, you could probably take the "at the time" part. I mean, I love Peter Carlin's book, but it seemed like he was trying to be too nice in parts. | ||
Re: Beach Boys Timeline [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:34 AM CDT | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:28 AM CDT I too feel bad he is gone, it was so unbelievable that he was even here if only because I never heard him discuss the book with fans. I must stress I don't think Ian meant to offend at all, I certainly think he found value in the book from what he posted. Perhaps it would have been better to post the info in the Heroes and Villians review thread, but Mr. Gaines wrote a controversial piece that some fans will take issue with. I myself wrote a review of the book which was critical about the music info, but have written a new one in lieu of his open frustration with the errors. I understand and respect his decision to go, and I think he certainly made us all have a new respect for him and a work that has proven to have a lot of insight. I think we all welcome him back if he chooses to post again. | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:17 AM CDT Ah, yes. The geeky tendency of this board to obsess over the tiniest minutae has once again served its intended purpose. I mean, some people mean well, but before pointing out the flaws in someone's work, why not read earlier post where the person specifically acknowledges said flaws and tries to move past them? I can just see if Brian came on here: Hey everyone. I thought I'd come by and answer some questions. Is that cool with everyone? Groovy. So let's get started! Brian, when did you record the vocals for Sloop John B.? Uh, I don't know. Sometime in early 1966, I guess. Actually, it was 1965. Oh. Okay. Brian, what year was your gorgeous falsetto replaced by a croaky shadow of its former glory? Um... 1976? No, we've discussed this at length and believe it was 1975. Brian, is your marriage to Melinda a sham? No, I love Melinda, and she loves me. Wrong again, Brian. Brian, is it true that Mike Love is an furo do burro? Sometimes. Yes, yes he is. No, Brian. He's not. He's misunderstood, and you're overrated. Go back to the blueboard. Brian, when was... Brian? Brian? Where'd Brian go? Haha! . . . This is a very funny and revealing post. But as was said earlier, you have to take all views in context. There's minutiae on the one hand . . . and the bigger picture on the other. And they both do matter. In a perfect world, the meeting of the two in the middle brings major enlightenment to the less informed. The question, from my perspective is . . . Does lack of knowledge and accuracy in the former lead to flawed perspectives in the latter? I would say yes and no, depending on the info and circumstances (and the writer). The devil can lie in both the details and the larger social context. It all depends on the writer, his/her sources, and his/her abilities to communicate in writing. Readers (myself included) will make their first-look, knee-jerk observations . . . regardless. But if we can then go beyond that . . . and further dissect the material, we can often come away with something more than we had before. But yes . . . absolutely . . . mistakes and factual errors (large and small) are a pox on any writer and/or historian. It happens to all of us, regardless of subject matter. M. | ||
Re: Brian's new official site has opened! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:57 PM CDT | ||
Re: Beach Boys Timeline [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:55 PM CDT Summer in Paradise was indeed recorded with Pro-Tools. I've spoken with Richard Titus, who played keyboards on the album, he he said they used the beta version. He also said Mike's wife would sunbathe naked! It's a lot easier to just look in the album credits: "This album was recorded and mixed while beta testing Digidesign Pro Tools sixteen track on an Apple Macintosh Quadra 900, using Elkon hard drives" ![]() | ||
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:48 PM CDT Ah, yes. The geeky tendency of this board to obsess over the tiniest minutae has once again served its intended purpose. I mean, some people mean well, but before pointing out the flaws in someone's work, why not read earlier post where the person specifically acknowledges said flaws and tries to move past them? I can just see if Brian came on here: Hey everyone. I thought I'd come by and answer some questions. Is that cool with everyone? Groovy. So let's get started! Brian, when did you record the vocals for Sloop John B.? Uh, I don't know. Sometime in early 1966, I guess. Actually, it was 1965. Oh. Okay. Brian, what year was your gorgeous falsetto replaced by a croaky shadow of its former glory? Um... 1976? No, we've discussed this at length and believe it was 1975. Brian, is your marriage to Melinda a sham? No, I love Melinda, and she loves me. Wrong again, Brian. Brian, is it true that Mike Love is an furo do burro? Sometimes. Yes, yes he is. No, Brian. He's not. He's misunderstood, and you're overrated. Go back to the blueboard. Brian, when was... Brian? Brian? Where'd Brian go? | ||
Great New BRIAN WILSON The BEACH BOYS Book CATCH A WAVE ["brian wilson"] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 11:15 PM CDT
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Brian Wilson The Beach Boys 9/10/00 Ticket Stub! ["brian wilson"] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 09:45 PM CDT | ||
NEW BRIAN WILSON That Lucky Old Sun CD +3 BONUS TRACKS! ["brian wilson"] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 09:30 PM CDT
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Beach Boys Tickets at Ceasars Windsor ["beach boys"] Posted: 27 Aug 2008 12:54 PM CDT
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