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Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 06:41 AM CDT | ||
BRIAN WILSON Good Vibrations 2004 UK 1track promotional ["brian wilson"] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 04:15 AM CDT | ||
Re: Bad, but catchy [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 03:34 AM CDT | ||
Beach Boys Rarities cassette OOP Brian Wilson ["brian wilson"] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 02:54 AM CDT
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Re: Sax on California Dreamin'? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 02:14 AM CDT Yeah, I think that's available on the box set. That idea was greatly improved upon by the final version. To me saxes are like anything, including the gratuitous it's-time-for-the-guitar-solo guitar solo, unless you have a great guitarist (or saxophonist) who can bring something to it, or a fresh idea, like "Salt Lake City", or any George Harrison guitar solo (which amounted to separate acts of songwriting rather than just improvs)- without a fresh idea it's just mechanical. What makes the unimaginative and gratuitous sax solo so bad is that it's the musical equivalent of somebody popping on a pair of sunglasses and thinking that's shorthand for "cool". Pop on a pair of sunglasses and play a bad sax solo? I'll wait in the car. Agree that "Baker Street" is a good use of it. Brian Jones was brilliant on "You Know My Name (Look Up The Number).". Wasn't there a nice moody one on Dark Side Of The Moon? Now somebody has to come up with the all-time worst sax solo. I nominate, on general principles, the porn-movie solo that was dubbed into Natalie Cole's forgettable vampire duet with her undead father, Nat K., on "Unforgettable", in place of the very tasteful strings, which they said were "dated". | ||
Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 02:10 AM CDT 2. There are some very...ehem...unique sounds effects during the fade in "All I wanna do". No, there aren't. ![]() ![]() "Wanna" as a word is more gentle than "Want To". That's how I tell them apart. | ||
Re: Bad, but catchy [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 01:53 AM CDT On one end, I don't agree with you. On the other end, I think you're exactly right! If you remove the quirky and very "Brian" lyrics, it's not Love You. If you take away the unique arrangements and instrumentation, it's not Love You. I actually think Brian nailed those aspects of Love You, and accomplished what he wanted. Where the album falters - and I agree with you, FRUSTRATINGLY so - are the rough spots, specifically the vocals, both lead and backing. Why didn't they do more takes? How could they leave some of those vocals on there? It's embarrassing, actually. Just a little more perfectionism please! They could've kept the arrangements and production, but improved the vocals, and it STILL would've been Love You. Pet Sounds 2? Maybe. At least as close as you could come. Pet Sounds and Love You are personal. I hate to repeat Brian because I hate when Brian repeats himself, but there is a lot of love in those two albums. They're both the closest Brian ever came to solo albums, including his solo albums. Love You is one of my most played BB albums, but I still think what it coulda, shoulda, woulda been.... I like the fact that this board gives me the chance to know what other people think, and try to reconsider, and re-listen. Some stuff I'll just never come around on (like Smiley Smile), but I respect the other point of view, especially when it's well-expressed like that. I'll give you the production, and I know where you're coming from there, but I've gotta have lyrics worthy of those amazing melodies. "I Wanna Pick You Up" is just so achingly close to being a great song- not the kind of great song that can be appreciated by Beach Boys fans with a knowing smirk, but the kind of song that would have entered the universal consciousness, like "Wouldn't It Be Nice" or so many others. Agree completely about the vocals- and if everybody's voice was so messed up, there are ways to make that sound work (Billie Holiday's last album, one of Nilsson's, etc.- even Dennis' album, to some extent). It's just a big, maddening almost to me, sonically (not really a word, I know) and creatively. An old friend of mine is an Elvis fanatic, and he tried to explain to me once why Elvis' career wouldn't be nearly as cool (to him) if the Colonel hadn't made a fool of him in the sixties and had him singing "He's Your Uncle Not Your Daddy" and "The Lady Was A Bullfighter" and "It's Hard To Rhumba In A Sports Car" and all that bilge. Part of the joy of Elvis for him was the total destruction of his dignity, and I just couldn't get that. Still can't. Then there are people who voted to honor Elvis on a stamp by showing him as a bloated, dying self-caricature instead of when he was great. I don't get that at all. Would Pet Sounds have been a better album if the lyrics were goofy and sub-professional? I don't get it. As a cartoonist, I have a great appreciation for the ridiculous, but what I love Brian Wilson for is the sublime. How in hell can "Drive In" or especially "Salt Lake City" be guilty pleasures? They're just great, great songs! Always enjoy this topic because it shows that none of us hear this music the same way. Ans again, I'm the guy who loves "Hey, Little Tomboy", so go figure! | ||
Re: New promofilm of POB! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 01:33 AM CDT Bizarrrrreee.... i used to run the international licencing and trade mark protection division of the surfwear company Quiksilver and at 1.29 into that clip my trade mark protection radar went into alarm mode - there it was, Quik's Roxy trademark minus the mountains in the centre of the Roxy logo and with the word DENNIS written across it. Now that I've had a good look at the frame it is the Roxy logo but I see its been "appropriated" onto somebody's surfboard ..... nice ......... great to see surfin' roots still exist in Dennis's world. | ||
Re: New promofilm of POB! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 01:22 AM CDT Someone help me find the connection to POB here... Well, lets see. Its a promotion film done fairly well of Dennis Wilson mostly featuring his solo works of Pacific Ocean Blue. Could it be any more related?!? He states to go to Its right on the main page for the album, not hard to find. Is that enough help? | ||
Black sheep... blaaaack sheep... [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 01:21 AM CDT I'm curious... what does everyone think of "Black Sheep", the Brian Wilson/Smile parody from 'Walk Hard'? I dunno, I think the guy in the movie was right - that's not a very good song. I think Van Dyke set his sights too high... I mean, it doesn't really have a melody to it, because the key changes every damn line! Perhaps I was just spoiled by the far superior "Pancreas" the previous year, though. I would recommend seeing this part of the movie in the unrated version though... there's a ton of stuff added to it (including Dewey recording the sounds of his wife giving birth and, for some reason, some random girl's breasts) and it's just brilliant. They even manage to spoof Brian's odd instructions (like Brian wanting the cymbals to 'sound like jewelry'), but I won't spoil that. :-) | ||
Re: New ESQ is great [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 01:00 AM CDT | ||
Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 12:53 AM CDT | ||
Re: New ESQ is great [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 07 Jun 2008 12:46 AM CDT | ||
Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 11:21 PM CDT 2. There are some very...ehem...unique sounds effects during the fade in "All I wanna do". No, there aren't. ![]() ![]() | ||
Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 11:13 PM CDT Maybe it's just me, but it seems like in the beginning of "A Thing Or Two" Mike pronounces little girl really odd, as if to make sound like "nigger". Someone else actually mentioned this to me when they first heard the song without me having told them. Wild Honey, the album, has always seemed perverse to me in a coying way. Kind of like "Love You". | ||
Re: Brian Wilson and the Moog Synthesizer [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 11:06 PM CDT | ||
Re: Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 11:03 PM CDT 2. There are some very...ehem...unique sounds effects during the fade in "All I wanna do". No, there aren't. ![]() | ||
New ESQ is great [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 10:57 PM CDT Even for those who don't normally get it, buy the new ESQ it may be their best issue ever. The photos are great, the information quite detailed and I really cannot say enough good about it. It covers the Friends era mostly and I must say it clarfied the sessions for me quite a bit. With so many of the people here on the board working for them now I truly am looking forward to the Dennis issue coming up. BTW the 1968 baseball pictures are great but is it just me or does Brian look notably thinner or heavier in certain shots? | ||
Odd things in Beach Boys songs [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 10:42 PM CDT In this thread, I would like us all to list weird things in BB's songs that we have noticed. They could be mistakes that nobody caught, or they could be odd little curiosities that make you scratch your head and wonder "why?". I'll start by listing a few easy ones: 1. Somebody coughs during the organ solo on "Wendy". 2. There are some very...ehem...unique sounds effects during the fade in "All I wanna do". 3. During the VERY END of the fade in "Be With Me", somebody screams. 4. In "Anna Lee, The Healer", you can hear what sounds like music sheets falling. | ||
Re: Bad, but catchy [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 08:18 PM CDT "Roller Skating Child" in particular, whilst it may carry a fairly catchy beat, is not exactly what most rock critics would constitute as being a "great song". The lyrics are banal and the production is flimsy (although this was sort of the theme of the album). Still when it pops up in the shuffle feature of my iPOD, I'll occasionally listen to it. I just wouldn't be proud of that. ![]() I just had to respond....I've always felt that "Roller Skating Child" might be the best post-1975 fast song of Brian's. The lyrics aren't the best part of the song, but they're OK. Brian's arrangement, on the other hand, is incredible. There's a lot going on in that song. Like Brian's earlier material, he packs a helluva lot into two minutes. I love the vocals, except for Brian's tag which keeps the song from perfection. It's one of those songs where I say to myself, "How did he write that?" And there weren't many songs AFTER "Roller Skating Child" where I said that. It was picked as a single from the album. It rocks! But, it's just my opinion. I like chocolate ice cream, you like strawberry ice cream. No problem... | ||
Re: Bad, but catchy [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 08:08 PM CDT But my response to Love You will always be part frustration, because there's so much genius and inspiration there slathered over with so much bad taste. Brian just needed a little competent support. Look at the people Dennis was working with, listen to the lyrics on Pacific Ocean Blue, listen to that production, and think what might have been for Love You. Somebody took Pet Sounds 2, or as close as we'll ever get to that, and wrecked it. I know that's a minority opinion, and that a lot of people enjoy the humor of it, which I can certainly see and appreciate- but Brian Wilson is just such a hero to me that I can't help wishing he had been allowed more personal dignity and created another great work of art at the cost of a few perverse laughs. On one end, I don't agree with you. On the other end, I think you're exactly right! If you remove the quirky and very "Brian" lyrics, it's not Love You. If you take away the unique arrangements and instrumentation, it's not Love You. I actually think Brian nailed those aspects of Love You, and accomplished what he wanted. Where the album falters - and I agree with you, FRUSTRATINGLY so - are the rough spots, specifically the vocals, both lead and backing. Why didn't they do more takes? How could they leave some of those vocals on there? It's embarrassing, actually. Just a little more perfectionism please! They could've kept the arrangements and production, but improved the vocals, and it STILL would've been Love You. Pet Sounds 2? Maybe. At least as close as you could come. Pet Sounds and Love You are personal. I hate to repeat Brian because I hate when Brian repeats himself, but there is a lot of love in those two albums. They're both the closest Brian ever came to solo albums, including his solo albums. Love You is one of my most played BB albums, but I still think what it coulda, shoulda, woulda been.... | ||
Re: The Official BB You Tube Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 07:55 PM CDT | ||
Re: Sax on California Dreamin'? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 06:56 PM CDT | ||
Re: New promofilm of POB! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 06:11 PM CDT wow I wasn't ready for how emotional watching that would be..... I hear ya...I totally wept like a baby about halfway through this video all the way to the end. Had to rewind the "Holy Man" bit twice; I thought it was Dennis singing! Very eerie but also I think Dennis would have loved it! | ||
Re: Weezer - Red Album [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 06:09 PM CDT I haven't liked much of what Weezer's done since the green album (I'm one of the fans of that album, though I'd never claim it's anything but lightweight), with the notable exception of the single version of "Keep Fishin'" (maybe it was the Muppet video that got me, heh). But it seems like it's been years since a new single by anyone has sunk its teeth into me like "Pork and Beans" has. Even by my 2nd or 3rd listen to it, I was shouting along with the chorus and really, really digging it ... It reminds me so much of the blue-album period and I just find it totally infectious. I just picked up the deluxe CD yesterday and have only listened to the first half ... but I can already tell this will be for me their most worthwhile effort since the green album. | ||
Re: Weezer - Red Album [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 06 Jun 2008 06:04 PM CDT |
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