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Message Man... [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 07:02 AM CDT | ||
Re: Is anyone here going to the South Bend Indiana concert? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 06:56 AM CDT | ||
Re: New ESQ issue on Dennis received today.....fantastic cd with it. [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 06:54 AM CDT Just listening to the CD now. Some very good stuff on there. Too early to judge overall but I'm very happy! ESQ is a superb product. I'm not always a fan of the single-theme issues like this (I love variety) but I guess there is a reason and a good one for this issue being the way it is. Enlightening reading. What with the many CDs ESQ now gives away, I wonder if Mike and Al's new albums could get a fan distribution in this way? No sign of either getting an official release otherwise ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() April 2004's ESQ CD, also a Dennis tribute, included Al's acoustic California (Saga) which was stunning. The best thing I've heard Al do and one of the best tracks I've heard on any giveaway CD, ever. Other fan mags could learn a lot from ESQ. | ||
Re: Banned from the BBB board ? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 06:01 AM CDT Apparently I am falsely being accused of being a "cyber stalker". WTF??? I have never "stalked" anyone. Nor do I have any intention of chasing after anyone. The person who made this accusation even had suggested not once but TWICE I move all the way across the country to a town I don't even know which is only 20 minutes away from her she said, to help her mix her debut album for her. She trusted me THAT much. That was the biggest compliment I have ever gotten!! I have the actual emails to prove it. I was VERY scared at that moment since my wife of 20 years had just left me with no warning or reason a few days earlier. Also I don't have enough faith in my abilities that I feel I would have been worthy of the task. Imagine if I had taken her offer? This whole thing would never have happened. Since she would actually know me and know I am not like that. If I ever met her, fine. If I never do, fine too. But the ONLY way I would ever want to meet her is if it was on HER terms and HER request. I know she has had a tough time, and has even had an actual stalker in the past. So I would never want to lost her trust in me. I have met many celebrities in the 80's. So I am used to being around them. Heck, I've met Mike Love, Carl Wilson, Denny Wilson, and Bruce Johnston then too. All that being around celebrities taught me is respect and to cherish the few moments of their valuable time that they give to me. Not abuse it. She and I were friends fro about a year. Never any sign of distrust by her ever. Then suddenly her attitude to me changed radically. She has cut me off from all of her profiles on websites she and I had them on. And now even took the bold step of cutting what little world I have left down a bit more by getting me banned from a message board I have been on before I even knew her. Isn't this like the Salem Witch Trials? Being wrongly accused. And persecuted. I have NEVER and will NEVER show her disrespect. However by her, or someone on her behalf's actions, they are the ones actually throwing stones. Anyone who actually knows me, knows I am NOT the "stalker type". I am an internal person, I reach out, and if I get burned, I withdraw. Not lash out at the person. She will not even communicate with me at all now to clarify where this whole mis-perception has come from. My only attempt at "TRYING" to clarify it all is through someone I don't know who is a friend of hers. Who knows how he is interpreting it to her. Or how he is telling me what she might be saying. SUCKS to have to go through a "middle man". Since July 2006, I have lost my closest sister in a car crash, been disowned by my closest brother, lost a job due to favoritism of a coworker and the supervisor, had my wife of 20 years leave me while I was at work one night with no explanation, my only socail circle (her family) too, got my family to stop communicating with me. Fought like HECK with the finance company to refinance the home in just my name as requested in my ex's and my separation agreement. And now I have to work at the local walmart around shallow and uncaring people. Then the only friends I have that connects with me musically and has SO many of the same tastes in music it's uncanny- cuts me off suddenly and without explanation also, and even goes so far as to have a bit more of my world ripped from me by getting me banned on the BBB board because she "thinks" I am stalking her. Nice existence!! All of this sober mind you. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Good thing I am not suicidal. I have more than enough reasons here. | ||
Re: Southern California - who wrote it? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 03:36 AM CDT No matter who wrote it (but I believe it was Brian) the "oh-oh-oh it's magical"-part just knocks me out. There's some harmony that really makes me feel great. But I'd think Brian wouldn't have used SC instead of L&M as the closing song in his concerts, if he didn't write it Yeah I love that bit too! I totally agree with what Amy B above says. My personal approach if there's doubt about how involved Brian was is just to ask myself - does it move me in the same way the best of his songs do? MAD and SC do, and as such I'm pretty convinced they're primarily BW compositions. As someone else posted above, in the Record Collector interview Scott says that they needed another slow emotional piece for the project and Brian had a piece that had been kicking around for a while which was SC. i think most of the melody was there, but it was probably developed by both Brian and Scott in a similar way to MAD. | ||
Brian Wilson Tickets Prediction Service Minneapolis ["brian wilson"] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 03:30 AM CDT
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Re: The Top 10s Topic [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 01:52 AM CDT A list of songs would be waaaaaay too hard. I'd be here for hours arranging and then rearranging my list. Here's my top ten albums as of this minute. I will note that TLOS belongs in there somewhere for sure, but I'm not ranking it because it's still so new. I should also note that if I posted a list tomorrow the top 2 albums would be the same but the rest may be totally different depending on my mood. I haven't been feeling Sunflower lately, for example, though I do think it's a great album. 1. Brian Wilson Presents Smile 2. Pet Sounds 3. Today 4. Friends 5. Smiley Smile 6. Love You 7. Surfer Girl 8. Pacific Ocean Blue 9. Wild Honey 10. Party | ||
Re: The Wilson Brothers picture thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 01:21 AM CDT Great stuff. The 1977 Love release party photos are great even if Brian looks a bit frightened in them. Go back ten years and he sure looked in good spirits on those beach photos especially the ones with Audree. To be fair he looks totally with it in the one with the Help Me Rhonda shirt on from 76 or 77. | ||
Re: Shows and sessions for 1983 now up on 10452 [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 01:04 AM CDT | ||
Last 2 News Stories [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:57 AM CDT Is it just me or do these stories make you feel a little bad for Brian? Not trying to be dramatic, just felt a little weird reading his ignorance about POB and the semi distance he is keeping from LOS. On the former I know he likes the album, I have heard him talk lucidly about it. On the later, I don't know if he's trying to be humble or is nervous or what. He certainly should take pride in his wonderful performance. What do you all make of his comments? | ||
Re: Smiley Smile was a joke. [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:56 AM CDT Here's something that makes me a bit undecided on the "joke vs. really gave it an honest try" argument: according to history (or legend, as it may be), Brian had a difficult time getting the Boys on board with the SMiLE material (especially Mike, who wanted to keep the old hit formula). So, what made them so cooperative on Smiley? I mean, they do seem to be enjoying themselves on that one; what changed their minds? If I had to guess, I'd say the hash and the change of location to Brian's home studio. They didn't feel like "outsiders" anymore, as they probably often did during Smile. Brian's entourage was mostly gone, and it was just like the old days...a bunch of guys just sitting around making some music. Just like the old days, you say - Smiley Smile has a vibe that makes me think of a family gathering around ... the family organ and just make some music for fun. That's like the *real* old days, the childhood days. That's what Brian *may* have had in mind. Another thing he *may* have had in mind is this: On SMiLE he tried hard and did not achieve the results he desired. On Smiley, as a change, he decided for a more loose approach, ZEn-like, not really trying, not-doing. No more Mr. control freak. And as far as I'm concerned, he did succeed at least partially. Vegetables with the dumb-dumb-dumb-bass is much funnier than the odd-rhythmed Vega-Tables, and the eerie Wind Chimes is far more interesting to listen to than the comparatively flat-arranged marimba version. In fact, the 2 Wind Chimes are two different songs sharing the same lyrics. Look for the chord changes! I also like the mood of Fall Breaks, Little Pad and With Me Tonight. I'm not that happy with Wonderful and Getting Hungry, the latter yearning for an R'n'B arrangement in the chorus. And Good Vibrations of course just doesn't belong on that record. The HV chorus is as Smiley as can be, but I don't like it. If someone does not like Smiley Smile as a whole, that's ok, there's thousands of other albums you can like. I recommend listening to Smiley on a silent night at Christmas, that fits the mood perfectly. | ||
Brian Wilson Beach Boys LTD Edition Signed Poster ["brian wilson"] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:52 AM CDT
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Re: The Top 10s Topic [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:49 AM CDT Songs: (in any order) 1. River Song 2. Time to Get Alone 3. Break Away 4. I went to Sleep 5. Caroline No 6. Sail on Sailor 7. All This is That 8. Til I Die 9. Busy Doin' Nothin' 10. I can Hear Music Honorable Mentions:Everybody wants to live Just Once and Passing By Albums (not counting BWPS because it brings up painful memories because it reminds me of my wife's first miscarriage, which is a long story that I refuse to go into) 1. Sunflower 2. Holland 3. Friends 4.Pet Sounds 5. 20/20 (yeah...this high) 6. Smiley Smile 7 Wild Honey 8 TLOS (yeah...this high. Makes me feel good that Brian still can do great music, plus IMHO it's his best vocals in 30 years at least) 9. Adult Child boots 10. All Summer Long Quote Albums: 1. Friends 2. L.A. Light Album 3. In Concert 4. Orange Crate Art 5. Pacific Ocean Blue 6. Carl & The Passions - So Tough 7. 20/20 8. Today! 9. Sunflower 10. Brian Wilson Presents Smile 11. Love You 12. Like A Brother 13. Summer In Paradise 14. Surfer Girl 15. Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!!) 16. Surf's Up 17. Endless Harmony 18. Live In London 19. Wild Honey 20. M.I.U. Album 21. Pet Sounds 22. Brian Wilson (1988) 23. Surfin' USA 24. Smiley Smile 25. All Summer Long Eric, you grade Pet Sounds that low? | ||
Re: The Top 10s Topic [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 16 Sep 2008 12:17 AM CDT Ranking songs is too hard. Break Away is high up there LP's (for the hell of it I will rank them all) Sunflower Pet Sounds Today Wild Honey POB All Summer Long 20/20 Summer Days Friends Shut Down 2 Holland Surf's Up CATP Surfin USA BWPS Concert 69 Smiley Party In Concert Surfer Girl LOS Little Deuce Coupe Brian Wilson Roxy Surfin Safari Xmas (Brian) Xmas 15 Ones MIU LA Light (would be a lot higher but HCTN almost ruins it) GIOMH Almost Summer I Just Wasn't KTSA Carl Wilson Pet Sounds Live Celebration Imagination Love You Still Crusin Young Blood Live in Vegas 85 OCA SIP Like A Brother S&S Looking Back Rock and Roll City Nascar Disco Celebration | ||
Re: Friends [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 11:35 PM CDT I generally agree with you about the lyrics, sockittome - at least with the lyrics Mike wrote. I think Brian showed he's actually a pretty capable lyric writer when he does it right - Busy Doin' Nothin' has a fine lyric, for example. But Ana Lee The Healer, while I like the song a lot and think the harmonies are exquisite, the lyrics are awful - the "goes a gal who got her fame by goin' round and healin' folks" line makes me cringe every time. But in terms of a the sound, I think it sounds a lot better than WH quality and mix-wise and don't have a major problem with the production overall. | ||
Re: Pink Floyd Founding Member Rick Wright Dead at 65 [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 11:06 PM CDT I didn't even know he was sick, personally. He was a great musician. Imagining the classic Pink Floyd sound without him is impossible, esp. on the first few post-Syd albums. God, I loved his organ sound! I would've loved a Wright/D.Wilson collaboration for sure. Now THAT would've been a great piece of work. Actually, not just talking about writing, but vocally he sounded like a British Dennis. Sad as hell. | ||
Re: Southern California - who wrote it? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:58 PM CDT I agree about Scott's voice. It's not as good as Brian Wilson--no character. All the Beach Boys had character. I don't believe for one second that Brian did not write those songs with Scott and that it's all a scam. A lot of band arrangements may have been done without him, but I bet he still added his bit and did most of the vocal arrangements. I don't know if I believe he's quite the veggie that his myth makes him. Agreed. Scott certainly did his fair share, but Brian's part in it is extremely obvious. | ||
Re: Rick Wright dies at 65 in Britain [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:50 PM CDT | ||
Re: Compression and Clipping on TLOS - is it that bad? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:29 PM CDT I love this post. Glad someone does. :-) Thanks! Cheers, Jon Blum | ||
Re: Southern California - who wrote it? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 09:33 PM CDT | ||
Re: TLOS: any comments from Mike, Al or Bruce yet? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 09:03 PM CDT | ||
Re: Is anyone going to the Chicago show? Just listed on [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:44 PM CDT | ||
Re: Is anyone going to the Chicago show? Just listed on [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:38 PM CDT | ||
Re: Is anyone here going to the South Bend Indiana concert? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:24 PM CDT | ||
Is anyone going to the Chicago show? Just listed on [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:22 PM CDT | ||
BRIAN WILSON Midnight's Another Day ORANGE VINYL 7" ["brian wilson"] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 08:20 PM CDT | ||
*4 TICKETS* THE BEACH BOYS 9/16 Seattle Safeco No Res! ["beach boys"] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 07:25 PM CDT | ||
That Lucky Old Sun Brian Wilson CD BRAND NEW beach boys ["brian wilson"] Posted: 15 Sep 2008 01:39 PM CDT
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