Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spliced feed for The Science Network

Spliced feed for The Science Network

The Biggest Picture [SciScoop Science Blog]


Scientists need higher high def displays than anyone else, not because they want to get the best view of the whale-throwing scene in Hancock or because they want to home in on amateur close-ups, but because the size of complex scientific data sets grows exponentially. Now, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) has unveiled the highest-resolution display system for scientific visualization in the world.

Smallest planet found orbiting smallest star [Earth & Sky Podcast]

Posted: 10 Jul 2008 04:07 AM CDT

Tiny stars called brown dwarfs are too small to sustain the nuclear reactions that blaze inside stars like our sun. But astronomer David Bennett says they still might send out enough warmth for life on nearby planets.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Where is the Milky Way? [Earth & Sky Podcast]

Posted: 09 Jul 2008 04:07 AM CDT

Astronomers have plotted the Milky Way’s position with respect to the nearest galaxies. But is it possible to say where the Milky Way is in space?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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