The Beach Boys Network |
Re: Mike Love - the REAL lyricist on Surfin' USA? [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 06:03 AM CDT The place names were supplied by Jimmy Bowlles, at Brian's express request. Therefore there is no way that Mike could have written 90% of the lyric as those names total more than 10%. There was a documentary on the Beach Boys on BBC TV a few years ago (2004 or 2005) where they interviewed all the surviving BB's. If memory serves, Mike said he wrote the lyrics but couldn't remember how he came up with them. Bruce said that both Mike & Brian claim to have written them...and the interviewer should ask them HOW they wrote them...and then gave a huge grin. Brian explained that he wasn't a surfer so he talked to Dennis about places people might surf because he wanted all these cool surfing place names in the lyric...etc...and Dennis Jimmy provided lots of place names. So....Mike can't remember how he supposedly wrote the lyrics, but Brian can... |
Re: The Steven Gaines Thread [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 05:18 AM CDT I'm a bit flabbergasted that Steven is, in the Eagles' words, 'Already Gone'. That is sad. And it wasn't necessary. I for one, if I'd have a list of potential errors in my head, would've kept it to a PM at best. If I'd have thought that those errors were important in the first place, that is. Writing is a most difficult process and even with others who do sort of a post-editing job, things can go unnoticed. For me, the book is so valuable because at the time (1986?) it was the very first description how Denny spent his last days. Up to that point, I only knew that he drowned at the spot where supposedly keepsakes and stuff from the 'Harmony' had sunk. Can I ask mr. Gaines politely to reconsider? Yes, I can. |
Re: TLOS [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 05:12 AM CDT As someone who's familiar with most unreleased BW material (at least the often-circulated stuff), this is simply not like GOIMH. That album had two new songs (HCWSBD and A Friend Like You). The rest were reworkings of Paley sessions and Sweet Insanity material. It's not even like Imagination, which included three remakes of 60s tunes. TLOS is based on songs written by Brian in a very specific period of time. From what I understood, even HCWSBD had it's roots in an earlier version. Don't know where I read it, and if it was 80-ies, or 90-ies. Anyone familiar with this? I could be wrong as I'm no expert on this era, but wasn't it Dancin' The Night Away? |
Re: TLOS \ [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 05:11 AM CDT As someone who's familiar with most unreleased BW material (at least the often-circulated stuff), this is simply not like GOIMH. That album had two new songs (HCWSBD and A Friend Like You). The rest were reworkings of Paley sessions and Sweet Insanity material. It's not even like Imagination, which included three remakes of 60s tunes. TLOS is based on songs written by Brian in a very specific period of time. From what I understood, even HCWSBD had it's roots in an earlier version. Don't know where I read it, and if it was 80-ies, or 90-ies. Anyone familiar with this? I think it was an Imagination-era recording, at least the backing track was? Also, GIOMH definitely sounds like an Imagination-era backing track. |
Re: Mike [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 05:02 AM CDT Even at their weirdest, uncommercial-est peak, the Beach Boys never did songs like She's Goin' Bald or Do You Like Worms. I'm pretty sure their regular setlist, or at least the ones they play in Great Britain, have at least one song from every album released except Friends and Love You. Yes, it would be ridiculously awesome if they did A Day in the Life of a Tree or HELP is on the Way or Johnny Carson or Be Here in the Morning, but wouldn't it make more sense to make 99% of the audience happy as opposed to making 1% of the audience happy? |
Re: TLOS \ [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 04:51 AM CDT As someone who's familiar with most unreleased BW material (at least the often-circulated stuff), this is simply not like GOIMH. That album had two new songs (HCWSBD and A Friend Like You). The rest were reworkings of Paley sessions and Sweet Insanity material. It's not even like Imagination, which included three remakes of 60s tunes. TLOS is based on songs written by Brian in a very specific period of time. From what I understood, even HCWSBD had it's roots in an earlier version. Don't know where I read it, and if it was 80-ies, or 90-ies. Anyone familiar with this? |
Re: Be My Baby [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 04:47 AM CDT Quote So I've been listening to Be My Baby on loop for the past 45 minutes, and I really don't see what's so special about this song. I don't think the arrangement is very exciting, and I hate those frickin' castanets or whatever that percussive Latin sound is So what was your reason for listening for 45 minutes nonstop if you don't like it? I could understand perhaps once or twice, as a part of some academic exercise. Also, I'm weird. |
Re: BLUE? vinyl 45 [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 03:53 AM CDT I too, pre-ordered from Control, but as yet haven't received it yet. Tomorrow's another day tho. Will let you know if I get a colored single and if so, what color it is!!!! Me too, and while the money was taken out of my account, I never received a confirmation and they haven't answered my e-mail enquiry. Crap. elnombre: get in contact with them, the emailaddress is I (finally, apparently it's busy overthere) got an answer in which they conformed my order. Shipping probably this weekend. I heard from others that they got a reply as well. Hope this helps. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 03:11 AM CDT It's the MUSIC that matters. Putting aside how remarkable it is for him, at his age and the wear and tear that he has been through, to produce work as good as TLOS, his modern songwriting, so far, has not had the kind of universality and resonance with current mainstream audiences that would generate large sales figures or attract many new listeners. If he could tap into that vein of magic again, his performance and personal awkwardness would be largely irrelevant. TLOS is a great achievement for him, but it's not likely to lift the bar of his popularity much higher. His music has grown more iconoclastic over the years, and now has a simple, sunny optimism that, while unique, unfortunately has a somewhat limited appeal to the masses. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 03:06 AM CDT Gahh! Someone put it on youtube! isn't letting me watch THAT episode because I am in the wrong country. However it did for some reason let me watch the one before with Russell Brand. Hmm, maybe it doesn't us foreigners watch the LAST one for some reason. I think it's lovely that Brian goes on TV still. I know some untutored folks might look askance at him. I can sympathize with both sides of the argument. But sometimes the oddness or the context-missmatch is part of the delight for those of us who enjoy him. He's still there dammit! And broadly speaking, he seems pretty happy at the moment. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 03:04 AM CDT |
Re: TLOS bonus tracks [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 02:35 AM CDT Yeah I love this song - it's a great new BW song. I love those weird synth breaks. I really wish this was on the album - I'd gladly swap this and Message Man for FYBMSG and Mexican Girl. I agree though i'd keep those two and chop out some others. When gsmile says that these sound like the real deal I have to agree, all of the tracks are very 'Brian'. To me, 'Message Man' sounds like something from the Paley sessions and Brian sounds very enthused, it sounds like the sort of thing he could toss out in five minutes in a good way, it sounds spontaneous and not laboured and there's so many cool melodic touches in it that make it a standout for me, love the outro too. Also the way he sings 'Message Man' is a bit like 'Market Place'. 'Just like me and you' is an odd one, the production is much more 'wall of sound' than anything else on the album and there is a quality to it which sounds like his writing from the late 80s, sort of reminds me of 'Being with the one you love or something', it has some odd chords, plus Brian does all the BVs too, I love the crazy keyboard solo! 'Oh Mi Amor' is less exciting but still good, melodically it reminds me a bit in the verses of 'Where has love been'. These are the sort of tracks which make me know that Brian still has it, I could take an album of this sort of stuff any day, its quirky, its melodic, its fun. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 02:03 AM CDT I just watched it on the intro was a little rough, but he sounded fine for the rest of it. But most importantly - Brian SMILING?! When was the last time we saw THAT? ![]() Whether or not it sells any CD's... well, the more I think about it, the more I have to agree with others. Now, this is coming from someone who is a hardcore Beach Boys fan and *gets* Brian, and understands what he does, so be warned in advance - no... you know what, I won't. I typed a whole spiel here, but I had to delete it. As someone who has dealt with mental illness as well, I have no right to critique. |
The 'combining album titles' game! [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 01:55 AM CDT I'm bored, so I thought I'd come up with a fun game... can you combine Beach Boys album titles with other artists' albums (or even other BB-related albums) and come up with something silly? Some I thought up right off the bat... THE BEACH BOYS - "Love You" + THE BEATLES - "Let It Be...Naked" = "The Beach Boys Love You... Naked!" (The album "I'd Love Just Once To See You" was intended for??) THE BEACH BOYS - "15 Big Ones" + BIG BLACK - "Songs About F***ing" = "Songs About F***ing 15 Big Ones" (OK, I'd buy that one out of curiosity.) THE BEACH BOYS - "Smile" + PINK FLOYD - Oh come on, you'll figure it out. = "The Dark Side of the Smile" (Oooh, deep!) THE BEACH BOYS - "Holland" + ICP - "Tunnel Of Love" = "The Holland Tunnel Of Love" (Yes, the Beach Boys' ode to prostitution!) That's all I can think of, I'm tired... |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 01:07 AM CDT |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 05 Sep 2008 12:26 AM CDT I don't think it's all or nothing at all. I didn't watch the show because I've seen enough of Brian live on television, and he's seldom that great. It was once novel, and now it's not so unusual. I just take issue with the attitude that because someone doesn't like something Brian does, that means they're "finally telling the truth" or "finally seeing through the hype." That's an attitude that excludes a lot of folks -- including those in the middle. That being said, I think Luther has a point. Who knows if this will make anyone buy the album. Does Brian just seem too odd to put it over? That's certainly a legit question when an album like TLOS is aiming for mainstream success. And Luther -- nice GOP reference . :-) |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 11:53 PM CDT What strikes me as odd is that here and elsewhere, fandom seems to be defined as an all-or-nothing proposition. That's foda ridiculous. I can like three of ten, seven of ten or ten of ten songs. It's irrelevant to number eleven. I don't find any particular "cool" factor in insulting Brian Wilson, or feel the need to kiss his ass. There are quite a few numbers between zero and 10. People's rankings of anything fill the spectrum. It isn't an insult to anyone. Sometimes boards are as bad as the dumbfuck convention that--thank gods--is finished up tonight across the river here. It's all "with us or against us" poopy. |
Re: TLOS DVD [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 11:36 PM CDT Quote That said, the DVD was kind of a circle-jerk. I am sick of hearing about all Brian's been through in context with his latest work, as it sounds mitigatory to me and I don't believe he is in need of explanations for his new work. It stands up with the rest of his catalogue and is the latest in a line of albums that includes "Today!" "Summer Days..." "Pet Sounds" "Love You" "Brian Wilson 1988" "SMiLe" and now this... and I believe that it's his best solo record. So the condescending, apologetic tone of his EPK pisses me off, just as I can't stand how every foda interview with him begins with Q: How are you feeling today? A: A lot better, it has been rough this past [Year/Month/5 years] but I am coming out of it now. Ask him some questions relating to the music! A lot of us care about it, you know... Well put. What really flips my poopy is that it comes across as "You know how we said Brian's Back? Well he wasn't, not really. But he's back now! Honest!" |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 11:31 PM CDT I really wonder sometimes just what Brian Wilson would have to do to please some people these days. From the Pet Sounds tours, Smile tour (anyone in London that week will tell you how that went!) - then the Smile album, Glastonbury, TLOS tours (UK and Oz), assorted successful festivals and now this CD - which by and large has been very well received - and certain "fans" have knocked them mercilessly one after the other. I just don't get it - what exactly do people expect at this stage of his life? - and if you don't like anything he does - don't watch it, buy it or go to the shows! |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 11:16 PM CDT I mostly agree. SJS and I tend to differ on most things, but I really don't think anyone who isn't already a fan, or who isn't interested in the back-story, or who isn't a bit of a sadist, really seeing live BW performances and thinking "yep, THAT GUY is the one I want to get into!" He isn't very good live, most of the time. And obviously, he's very, very awkward at best. It is with no disrespect to my favorite pop musician ever that I say there's a pretty good chance the band would have better success live among non-fans if he weren't there, and the group were fronted by Scott, Taylor, Darian, etc. In television, appearances count--quite possibly too much. The band is spot-on regardless of Brian, but he's shaky musically and a disaster (to a non-fan) visually. I can almost see Landy with the "smile!" placards off in the wings, the way he awkwardly busts out crazy grins here and there (between pointing at his head, his mouth, making an "I don't know!?" gesture and a few other ones). Before anyone comes down on my negativity, I repeat: Brian Wilson is my single favorite pop musician. Maybe favorite musician overall. I'd be thrilled to see him live with TLOS if he brings it this way. But if we're talking about winning over new fans, it's a tough road for him on television without some context. I see what you mean but as far as making new fans goes, if his performance is a turnoff I'd wager TLOS just wouldn't work for them period. Brian's a quirky guy. That either pushes you away or, well, brings you here. I don't think there's a lot of middle ground. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 11:04 PM CDT Rob...Damn right the Farm Aid 98 was worse. Hell, I'd rank that up with Long Beach 1981 for worst ever Brian performance, as at least back then he had an excuse. Viewing it online right now. I'm so sick of that Friday's ad. Ehh...not one of Brian's best performances. Great song choice, but he sang it way too reserved. If he'd have busted out his "Drive-in" style vocal, it would have been better. |
Re: Brian on Jay Leno [Smiley Smile Message Board] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 10:47 PM CDT The band always sounds great. I thought Brian was a disaster. The effect they went for, with "That Luck Old Sun" segueing into "Going Home" (a la "Our Prayer" into "Heroes And Villains", another idea recycled) was completely lost because Brian couldn't project vocally. Brian tried to sing "Going Home" almost entirely in a low register, which he is not good at; he seemed very unsure of himself. He couldn't keep up with the "At 25 I turned out the lights...." part. He was late coming with his "rock, roll, rollin' down the river" part. His hand gestures were all over the place; the cameramen had to do acrobatics to cut away from Brian to save him from embarrassment. Again, forced smiles, deer-in-the-headlights, never touched a piano key, same old stuff. What was so great about this performance? Other than "Night Time" from Lettermen in 1988, I thought this was his worst. Worse than Farm Aid '98? Last night wasn't a good night for Brian, but "worst ever" is a bit of a strecth. But of course I;m talking to the guy who wishes that Brian's album were Beach Boys albums,,,, |
Brian Wilson Orange Crate Art CD ["brian wilson"] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 09:10 PM CDT |
Brian Wilson Brian Wilson [Remaster] CD Beach Boys ["brian wilson"] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 09:09 PM CDT |
Brian Wilson Imagination CD Beach Boys ["brian wilson"] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 09:08 PM CDT |
Brian Wilson Pet Sounds Live CD Beach Boys ["brian wilson"] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 09:07 PM CDT |
Brian Wilson Gettin' in Over My Head CD ["brian wilson"] Posted: 04 Sep 2008 09:05 PM CDT |
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