Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Spliced feed for The Science Network

Spliced feed for The Science Network

Post-workout Coffee [SciScoop Science Blog]


Apparently, new research suggests that the best option for recovery after a strenuous workout is a big bowl of pasta washed down with a few cups of strong coffee, no decaff though.

3D fractal art [SciScoop Science Blog]


I've been working for a while now on a high performance fractal rendering program for Macintosh computers. It's main features are its speed, its unique take on coloring, and its ability to create striking looking 3D images. Here are some samples of 3D fractal images I've created.

Elusive Mercury shines in July 2008 dawn sky [Earth & Sky Podcast]

Posted: 01 Jul 2008 04:07 AM CDT

July 1, 2008. The elusive planet Mercury is in the east before dawn now. Throughout July, no matter where you are on Earth, you have a good opportunity to find Mercury in the predawn sky.

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